The 3 best routes in Spain for Mountain bike
El camino de Santiago (The road to Santiago)
The road to Santiago is the longest pilgrimage route in Europe and the best known on the peninsula. It has its origin in the religious tradition and today is one of the busiest.
There are different departure points both from Spain and from the rest of Europe. The most common is the Camino del Norte, from its origin in IrĆŗn or any point halfway. There is also the Camino FrancĆ©s or the Camino Primitivo. But all the roads have their end in Santiago de Compostela.
It has a lot of sites of scenic interest such as Sarria, Ferrol, Roncesvalles or Santiago de Compostela.

This path is a great physical challenge for the different stages that take place in it.
Each cyclist makes the path depending on their physical abilities. The different routes are marked by stages, about 25 kilometers on average, which is what most cyclists usually do in a day. Depending on the person and the route, there are those who make more than one stage a day. Between Easter and October is the ideal period to travel the road to Santiago in order to have good weather conditions.
Security measures are also essential for this adventure. A basic advice is:
Drink plenty of water to be well hydrated and wear comfortable clothes. Attention, it is essential to have good brakes on the bike to avoid falls that prevent us from following the path. Many riders recommend Outbraker hydraulic bike brake systems as they prevent the front wheel from getting stuck and provide smoother and safer braking.

Camino MozƔrabe
One of the preferred routes for passionate cyclists is the Mozarabic Road, as it has a well-designed itinerary and avoids high traffic roads, allowing cyclists to enjoy the spectacular views it offers.
This road starts in the lands of Andalusia, crosses Extremadura through MĆ©rida where it connects with the silver road to Santiago de Compostela.
Along its 1,400 km long, this road meets several adversities, one of them very common: the Sun. Its south-north orientation causes light from the Sun to hinder our visibility during peak hours. That is why it is important to wear sunglasses. We recommend the Pit Viper photochromic glasses, not only for their incredible designs, but for the comfort they bring to the cyclist, thanks to the materials of which they are composed.
This path, which follows the route of old routes, passes through places declared World Heritage by UNESCO and others of great interest such as AlcalƔ la Real. Surprise the great amount of landscapes such as the Sierra Granada, JaƩn and Sierra Morena.

VĆa verde de los ojos negros
This route, which is located in the city of Ojos Negros (Teruel)and Sagunto (Valencia). It is a well-known road between cyclistsby the longest green route in Spain; 160 km length divided into 2 sections.
This is the way to start from both sides, but it has less difficulty from the inside to the coast. In this case, it is a descent adapted for both beginners and pro cyclists.
It is important to note that the wheels of our bicycle can climb multiples and grab punctures when circulating mostly by anold railway section. Many cyclists recommend carrying Tannus tires for this route, as it is a product expressly designed to overcome these inconveniences (they have a resistance of up to 6,000 km).
The road continues almost parallel to the current RENFE railways, which connect by train Teruel and Valencia.
This factis ideal and allows you to choose between the different points,the train stations, the long road of the way, the bike route from there.
The estimated time to carry out the route is approximately 10 hours, it refers to the physical capacities of each cyclist.
Despite being a route for all the public, it is considered the difficulty moderated by its length.

I hope all this information will inspire you to start this adventure and dare one these roads.
If you have done any of them, share your experience with us: